Bonnie image
Munaa Tsetsegmaa
Frontend Developer | Geologist
  • Phone:

  • Email:

  • Location:
    5833 Wilson Ave Burnaby, BC, Canada.

Technical skills
  • Javascript,
  • ReactJS,
  • NextJS,
  • TailwindCSS,
  • AWS,
  • NodeJS

About me

I am front-end developer and geologist. I have experience a geologist for 10 years and front-end developer for 3 years. I have developed an e-commerce platform B2B with the my team. My role was a front-end developer to 2 web application projects. I am using HTML, CSS, Javascript, and React since 2021.
Now, I have been working a landscaper at Houston Landscapes in Vancouver since Oct 2023.



  • Master's degree in Software engineer - National University of Mongolia

  • Bachelor's degree in Geology - National University of Mongolia



Web applications && Demo projects

E bazaar commerce project

E bazaar commerce project

This project is using e-commercial project of B2B. It is using React, Mongodb, NodeJS, Express, Mysql and some AWS services. It is working in production. You can login to and login-user:88058822 password:88058822.

The Clipboard - demo

The Clipboard - demo

Clipboard web project. This project built with React, tailwindcss, and oas.

The Movie Like - demo

The Movie Like - demo

The movie like is information of movies app. This project built front-end with Nextjs, tailwindcss and using rest api of

The Fylo project - demo

The Fylo project - demo

The movie like is information of movies app. This project built front-end with Nextjs, and tailwindcss. This project is using random user api in testimonial section.

Easybank project - demo

Easybank project - demo

Easybank project. This project built with Next.js, Tailwind CSS.